Collaborative Divorce: Working Together, For Everyone’s Good

Separation and divorce are never easy, and can quickly turn into complex and contentious court proceedings. For partners looking to part ways on their own terms, collaborative divorce can serve as a more peaceful alternative. During this process, terms are reached through independent intercession and negotiation to keep the control over your family’s future out of the courts, and in your own hands.

Four Types of Divorce in Connecticut: Which is Right for Your Family?

There are four ways a couple can proceed in the divorce process in Connecticut. 1. The “traditional divorce” process and what most people think of when they think of divorce, is litigating the matter through the court system. A litigated divorce involves commencing an action with the court, attending various court appearances, and if the parties cannot reach a resolution by a deadline set by the court, the parties will have to go to trial and leave decisions related to their children and finances to a judge.

Elder Law and Guardianships: Protecting Your Loved Ones’ Future

When a loved one is aging, unexpected decisions and legal considerations can arise. When planning ahead, it’s essential to think about the unique legal needs of older adults. Elder law is a specialized field that covers legal issues like medical decisions, long term care, and financial and estate planning. Another key component of elder law is guardianships, a legal process that can safeguard the rights and interests of elderly people who can no longer make decisions for themselves.

Asset Protection 101: What You Need to Know

You’ve worked hard to build wealth and provide for yourself and your loved ones. The next step on your to-do list? Developing a strategic asset protection plan to safeguard your assets from potential risks. For business owners, real estate investors, and other high net worth individuals, risks such as lawsuits, creditors, and bankruptcy can threaten your investments.

McBride to present on Rahimi decision for the American Bar Association

Meredith McBride

On May 18, Partner Meredith F. McBride will present on the implications of the Rahimi decision for the American Bar Association. The webinar will serve as continuing legal education on a rapidly evolving field of law governing the Second Amendment in the wake of the Supreme Court’s decision in Bruen in 2022 and apply it specifically to how the Rahimi case will impact the practice of legal aid and family law.